Chapter 2
Ade masuk SMP di sebelah SD-nya. Bukan SMP unggulan, tapi termasuk yang terbaik di wilayah(rayon)-nya. Ade masuk ke kelas I-6. Karena memang Ade termasuk orang yang pemalu, agak sulit juga buat dia mendapat teman baru di SMP-nya. Teman-teman SD-nya dan teman sebangkunya adalah teman-teman dia bermain pada minggu-minggu pertama bersekolah di SMP itu.
Karena diharuskan mengambil satu kegiatan ekstra kurikuler, maka Ade memilih untuk ikut Karate. Karate melelahkan buat Ade, sampai dia pernah dihukum tidak mengerjakan PR karena dia terlalu capek sehabis latihan karate. Dan parahnya, karena menjadikan karate sebagai alasan tidak mengerjakan PR, dia disuruh melakukan gerakan karate di depan kelas selama pelajaran berlangsung.
Tidak berapa lama, seluruh siswa dipindahkan ke sebuah SD yang agak jauh dari rumahnya karena Sekolahnya akan direnovasi. Karena perpindahan ini juga Ade dapat masalah di sekolah. Karena harus naik kendaraan umum, seringkali Ade tidak masuk sekolah karena tidak ada kendaraan umum (angkot) yang mau mengangkutnya. Untuk naik bus dia belum punya cukup keberanian untuk mencoba, jadi menurutnya lebih baik bolos daripada harus naik bus. Setelah tiga minggu dilalui dengan banyak hari membolos, orang tua Ade dipanggil pihak sekolah. Setelah orang tua-nya dipanggil, baru muncul keberanian yang dipaksakan untuk naik bus.
Karena sudah mulai rajin ke sekolah, Ade mulai mendapat banyak teman baru. Dia jadi agak terkenal karena kenakalan yang sebenarnya tidak diinginkannya. Dari teman baru juga Ade mengenal kenakalan lain, merokok. Suatu malam sepulangnya dari sekolah, Ade dan teman-temannya jalan-jalan di lingkungan rumah temannya yang tidak jauh dari rumah Ade. Salah satu temannya membeli rokok menthol.
"Kok menthol?" tanya Rafli, temannya yang lain
"Iya, gue mau coba, beneran dingin ga sih?" kata Ujang yang membeli rokok
"Ya udah, mana sini coba" kata Rafli
Karena semua temannya mengambil satu batang rokok, Ade pun mengambil satu dan menyalakannya. Sebenarnya Ade menganggap orang yang merokok itu kelihatan keren, karena gambaran itulah yang dia dapat di film-film yang diputar di TV. Karena memang tidak pernah merokok sebelumnya, Ade tidak merasakan sensasi dingin yang dicari dari rokok menthol. Walaupun demikian, Ade merasakan bahwa dirinya terlihat keren kalu merokok. Mulai sejak saat itu, setiap ada kesempatan untuk membeli dan manghisap rokok, pasti dilakukannya.
Di SMP pula Ade naksir lawan jenis untuk pertama kalinya. Waktu itu dia sedang menuju ke kelasnya tiba-tiba dia dihentikan oleh seorang cewek berambut panjang.
"Anak kelas I-6 kan? ada tugas dari guru Matematika, suruh sekretaris catet ini di papan tulis", katanya sambil menyerahkan buku matematika.
"Sudah ya, makasih", katanya lagi sambil berlalu masuk ke kelas I-5.
"I....iya..." jawab Ade
"Cantiiik....", kata Ade dalam hati.
Belakangan Ade mengetahui bahwa cewek tersebut adalah ketua kelas I-5, dan namanya Aci.
Masuk kelas II, Ade berada di kelas II-6. Dan betapa kaget dan senangnya Ade ketika didapati bahwa dia sekelas dengan Aci. Aci ternyata termasuk anak yang pintar, itu yang dia dapat setelah kenal lebih dekat dengan Aci. Di kelas II ini Ade mulai menunjukkan kapintarannya dengan menjadi anak kesayangan guru fisika. Bahkan Aci yang dianggapnya sangat pintar ternyata tidak bisa mengalahkan nilai-nilai ulangan yang didapat Ade. Tapi sedekat-dekatnya Ade dengan Aci, Ade tidak pernah mengatakan apapun tentang perasaan sukanya pada Aci. Sampai kemudian saat ujian kenaikan kelas di semester II, Ade jatuh sakit dan harus ikut ujian susulan di Lab fisika ditemani oleh guru fisika. Setelah selesai mengerjakan semua soal, Ade keluar ruangan dan mendapati bahwa Aci menunggunya di luar ruangan Lab.
"Gimana De? bisa jawab soalnya? Kamu udah sehat?", tanya Aci
"eh, beres...iya bisa kok, soalnya gak susah", jawabnya
"Oh, bagus deh. Kalau gitu aku pulang duluan ya?",
"Eh..iya. Makasih ya Ci"
Aci membalas hanya dengan senyuman. Ade mengantarnya sampai ke mobil yang menunggu Aci.
Naik ke kelas III, Ade masuk di kelas unggulan III-1 hanya karena dia adalah ranking ke-2 di kelas II. Di kelas itu, lagi-lagi dia sekelas dengan Aci. Tapi perasaan suka Ade pada Aci sudah hilang karena mereka bersahabat sekarang. Ade sendiri kemudian suka dengan pacar Sahabatnya dari SD, yang satu kelas dengannya di kelas Agama. Akhirnya, semuanya terpisahkan oleh SMA. Aci memilih masuk ke SMA Unggulan di luar wilayah sekolahnya, Sahabat SDnya memilih masuk SMA non-unggulan di wilayahnya, Pacarnya memilih masuk sekolah kejuruan negeri di wilayahnya, dan Ade sendiri masuk ke sekolah pendamping unggulan di wilayahnya.
Feb 27, 2006
Help me out Bro
It was sunday. A phone call disturb me watching pimp my ride. It was a friend of mine, Tri, asking if i can go out with him to glodok to buy some games (he owns three Sony Playstation game center). I didn't actually agree to go with him, but he assume that i did. I was tired and sleepy, and the fact that i just went to glodok on saturday really puts me on the state of "I DON'T WANT TO GO THERE AGAIN TODAY". So i called my cousin, ask him to sms me and told him to write "Ke rumah gue sekarang! Pentingg!! (Come to my house now! Urgent!!)". As i recieved the message, I then called Tri and said to him "I got to go to my cousins house, he said it's important". Tri understood and i offered him if he wants to go with another friend of mine who might want to go, but he declines and said that he'll do the negotiate with my friend. So there it is, the reason why i needed your help Dre. Thanks a lot, you are a life saviour :)
Wet season's here. Yes we've been getting a lot of rain recently, hard ones too, with thunders roaming, wind blowing hard, and then came....FLOOD
Yes, believe it or not, myhouse was flooded couple of weeks ago.
It was raining hard from 12.oo midnight. I was trying to go to sleep, but couldn't for some reason. When the clock shows 00.45, my dad get out from the room to check how things are going. He then came back in and told us to prepare ourself for a flood because the water level are high. Last time our house flooded was in 2002 (remember when everywhere in jakarta were flooded?), so it was some time....and yes we're a bit prepared this time.
We started to put every valuables to a higher place, place where water couldn't reach. After about 15 minutes moving things in our house, the water start pouring to our house. not for long the water reaches the height of my ankle. We thought if the rain don't stop immediately, it'll reach our knees (although i thought it's impossible, i realize that nothing's impossible if God wants to). Thank God the rain stopped soon enough, so the water level are still around our ankles. We cleaned the house as soon as the water level outside are low enough. And so it was, we cleaned the house until 4.30 in the morning.
No sleep for us that day....hhhhhh........
Yes, believe it or not, myhouse was flooded couple of weeks ago.
It was raining hard from 12.oo midnight. I was trying to go to sleep, but couldn't for some reason. When the clock shows 00.45, my dad get out from the room to check how things are going. He then came back in and told us to prepare ourself for a flood because the water level are high. Last time our house flooded was in 2002 (remember when everywhere in jakarta were flooded?), so it was some time....and yes we're a bit prepared this time.
We started to put every valuables to a higher place, place where water couldn't reach. After about 15 minutes moving things in our house, the water start pouring to our house. not for long the water reaches the height of my ankle. We thought if the rain don't stop immediately, it'll reach our knees (although i thought it's impossible, i realize that nothing's impossible if God wants to). Thank God the rain stopped soon enough, so the water level are still around our ankles. We cleaned the house as soon as the water level outside are low enough. And so it was, we cleaned the house until 4.30 in the morning.
No sleep for us that day....hhhhhh........
I felt this strange thing happening among my friends.....i think they kinda started to create groups among us. I'd say.....why dude?
Feb 21, 2006
Oh Valentine......
What makes this person so special that people have one day to celebrate it? This person share lots of love to the world? How much love a human can give that they actually have a day to memorize it? God certainly have even much bigger love that he share to people unconditionally, do people celebrate the love that God give? If that's not the case, then why do people celebrate St Valentine's day?
Some say that valentine is a day full of love. Is that so? What about other days in a year? They don't have love in those days? You don't need one special day to love anyone, you can have 365 days in a year to love anyone you want, but why is this one day so special?
To celebrate love some say. Well, yes love needs to be celebrated, but what with these chocolate gift and flowers? You don't show love with those stuff. What if someone you love is allergic to chocolate or flowers? You don't show your love with it, you're trying to kill that person. Chocolate and flowers kinda make valentine's day turns into a lie and decieving day. Suddenly people are asking their loved ones to give them chocolate or flowers when they usually don't. Some who were given chocolate don't eat the chocolate, it became a waste. They lie and pretend to like chocolate or flowers so that others can see that they celebrate valentine just by showing others somebody gave him/her those two items.
So to me, people who celebrate valentine with chocolate and flowers are actually a fool. Yes it's romantic, but as i said, not all like chocolate or flowers. If you really want to celebrate love, try to give the unconditional love to the person you love, that would really mean a lot to the person. And as to those who stick to the chocolate and flowers tradition, well......have it your own way, i don't mind at all
Happy Valentine's Day
What makes this person so special that people have one day to celebrate it? This person share lots of love to the world? How much love a human can give that they actually have a day to memorize it? God certainly have even much bigger love that he share to people unconditionally, do people celebrate the love that God give? If that's not the case, then why do people celebrate St Valentine's day?
Some say that valentine is a day full of love. Is that so? What about other days in a year? They don't have love in those days? You don't need one special day to love anyone, you can have 365 days in a year to love anyone you want, but why is this one day so special?
To celebrate love some say. Well, yes love needs to be celebrated, but what with these chocolate gift and flowers? You don't show love with those stuff. What if someone you love is allergic to chocolate or flowers? You don't show your love with it, you're trying to kill that person. Chocolate and flowers kinda make valentine's day turns into a lie and decieving day. Suddenly people are asking their loved ones to give them chocolate or flowers when they usually don't. Some who were given chocolate don't eat the chocolate, it became a waste. They lie and pretend to like chocolate or flowers so that others can see that they celebrate valentine just by showing others somebody gave him/her those two items.
So to me, people who celebrate valentine with chocolate and flowers are actually a fool. Yes it's romantic, but as i said, not all like chocolate or flowers. If you really want to celebrate love, try to give the unconditional love to the person you love, that would really mean a lot to the person. And as to those who stick to the chocolate and flowers tradition, well......have it your own way, i don't mind at all
Happy Valentine's Day
Life without TV
Most people can't stand spending a day without watching TV. TV has lots of use not only to watch TV station, it can be used to play video games and watch videos. If you spend most of your time doing activities using Television, what do you feel about spending a day or two (or more) without it?
My TV's out of order for two long days, and i'm not really troubled by it. I have only one TV, and i can't say i use it very often. I only watch TV at several TV programs (Survivor, Soccer match, C.S.I, Lost, MTV). My father really upset when the TV broke. He spent most of His day watching TV (oftenly only watching news programme) and the fact to be unable to watch TV is really upseting Him. It's nobody's fault the TV broke that day. We were all watching TV on a fine sunday, watching MTV's Pimp my ride marathon when suddenly...POOF!!....The TV went dark. First we thought it was power down, but when we saw that the light is still on, i rush to unplug the TV, and starting to smell (yeah, i actually try to smell at things like a dog) the TV if there's a burn sign or not. It turns out to be none, the TV wasn't burning. When panic came, my dad tell me to call handyman to fix the TV (for it is a trouble to take the tv out and put it in a handyman workshop). So i called, and postponed by the rain, the handyman (wonder why i refer a mechanic as handyman? coz he fix all things not only electronics) came around six PM. Some parts needs to be replaced, and he said it will take him 2-3 days to find the spareparts and fix it. So there it was, two days without TV........Care to try?
My TV's out of order for two long days, and i'm not really troubled by it. I have only one TV, and i can't say i use it very often. I only watch TV at several TV programs (Survivor, Soccer match, C.S.I, Lost, MTV). My father really upset when the TV broke. He spent most of His day watching TV (oftenly only watching news programme) and the fact to be unable to watch TV is really upseting Him. It's nobody's fault the TV broke that day. We were all watching TV on a fine sunday, watching MTV's Pimp my ride marathon when suddenly...POOF!!....The TV went dark. First we thought it was power down, but when we saw that the light is still on, i rush to unplug the TV, and starting to smell (yeah, i actually try to smell at things like a dog) the TV if there's a burn sign or not. It turns out to be none, the TV wasn't burning. When panic came, my dad tell me to call handyman to fix the TV (for it is a trouble to take the tv out and put it in a handyman workshop). So i called, and postponed by the rain, the handyman (wonder why i refer a mechanic as handyman? coz he fix all things not only electronics) came around six PM. Some parts needs to be replaced, and he said it will take him 2-3 days to find the spareparts and fix it. So there it was, two days without TV........Care to try?
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