Belom lama ini (tepatnya kamis tgl 27 oktober 2005) gue dan 2 temen gue pergi ke retro, Crown plaza hotel. Kebetulan temen gue dapet banyak invitation acara Bling-Bling R&B night, jadilah gue, temen gue mink, rio, temennya rio dimas, erwin n ouw....gue lupa namanya satu lagi, pergi ke Retro jam 9 malem.
Gue pribadi sebenarnya kurang suka dengan Night Life activity, tapi ya namanya lagi bete, begitu diajak ya gue iya-in aja. Sebelum masuk mereka minum dulu di parkiran hotel, gue ditawarin but "No thank you", mink juga ga minum karena dia bawa motor. Habis minum, seperti biasa kalau baru sampe habis naik motor tujuan pertama adalah toilet. Setelah cuci muka (dan sebagian ada yang buang air kecil) baru beranjak masuk ke dalam retro.
Tujuan utama temen-temen gue adalah nyari "Jablay". "Lumayan buat one night stand" katanya. Well, gue cuma bisa bilang "terserah lo deh, tapi jam edar gue cuma ampe jam satu". Akhirnya daripada bengong, gue turun juga buat bergoyang sedikit. Gue terpisah dari temen-temen gue, gue cari muter-muter akhirnya ketemu juga and guess what? Mereka udah gandeng cewek, bahkan salah satu lagi asik "French Kiss" ma pasangannya. Dalam hati gue bilang "cepet juga gerakannya ni orang".
Kenapa gue tulis ya? padahal gue ga dapet apa-apa, cuma cape doang. Sedikit ngilangin bete sih, tapi ya udah, besoknya kembali dengan rutinitas yang membosankan. Gue ga tau nasibnya tu cewe-cewe, apa pada akhirnya "dipake" apa engga, gue males nanyanya, bukan urusan gue. HHHH.......night life, one side you want it, but on the other side you denied it......
Life's good, enjoy it
Oct 29, 2005
Lama banget
Udah lama banget gue ga nulis blog. Bukannya ga ada ide, tapi ga ada waktu aja buat online. Lagian, ide-ide nulis gue cepet banget ilangnya karena gue pelupa berat. Jadi ya....beginilah kelihatannya blog gue.....sepiii.......
Banyak banget kejadian yang mau gue ceritain sebenarnya, tapi mau gimana lagi, gue udah lupa!! Sori banget buat yang sering mengunjungi blog gue dan menemukan kalau gue belum nulis blog baru, hope everything turns out okay so i can write blogs more often.
Banyak banget kejadian yang mau gue ceritain sebenarnya, tapi mau gimana lagi, gue udah lupa!! Sori banget buat yang sering mengunjungi blog gue dan menemukan kalau gue belum nulis blog baru, hope everything turns out okay so i can write blogs more often.
Jul 14, 2005
Bener ga yah kaya gitu grammarnya? pokoknya, buat yg suka baca blog, en suka ma AV, AVRIL punya blog :) rock on!!
Jul 9, 2005
A Litlle Update On Oh Woman
Yup, she's still buggin' me.
Someone said to me "if i were you i would probably preparing to unzip". well, if i don't have a heart i'd probably unzipped from day's just not me to take advantage of other. Besides, she's only FIFTEEN for God sake!!!
Someone said to me "if i were you i would probably preparing to unzip". well, if i don't have a heart i'd probably unzipped from day's just not me to take advantage of other. Besides, she's only FIFTEEN for God sake!!!
Jun 14, 2005
Oh Woman.......
"Mana yang mau kenalan?"
"Tuh yang pake jaket kuning"
"Halo, gue Ryan, bener mau kenalan ma gue?"
"Iya gue Dea. Gue Suka sama lo"
Itu perbincangan singkat awal temen gue yang namanya Ryan dengan seorang cewek di tempat kita biasa main sepakbola. Dea itu sepupunya temen gue juga, baru ngeliat rian 2 hari sebelum akhirnya kenalan. Gantengkah Ryan sampai seorang cewek berani menyatakan suka sebelum benar-benar kenal dengan Ryan? Kata orang sih mukanya agak mirip Ariel PeterPan, cuma sedikit lebih gelap warna kulitnya dan suaranya tidak seperti Ariel :P
Kaget "ditembak" cewek seperti itu Ryan jadi menghindar ketemu sama Dea. Dua hari kemudian, malam hari, saya "diculik" oleh Dea dan Sepupunya. Pikir saya waktu itu, "oh, paling mau nanya soal Ryan". Apa yang terjadi benar-benar diluar dugaan.
"Gue udah ga suka lagi ma Ryan, abis orangnya gitu sih, bukannya dijawab malah ngabur"
"Terus, buat apa manggil gue? mau gue bilangin ke Ryan kalo lo ga suka lagi?"
"Bukan. biarin aja. Males gue berurusan ma dia lagi"
"Terus apaan? Mau gue tanyain jawabannya apa?"
"Iih, dibilang ga usah ngomongin Ryan lagi. Gua suka sama loe"
WHAT THE HELL....?!?! How on earth...?!? That's the first thing came to my mind as she keep on staring me with her "naive" smile. "Gila kali ni cewek ya?" I said to myself.
"udah dulu ya, udah malem, gue cuma mau bilang itu aja" mmmuuah
I'm still amazed and confused, she landed a kiss on my cheek. WHAT THE F@#$..?!?! I got up still confused as she dissapear into her room........And her cousin tease me and laughing all the time.
"Ga usah bengong gitu dong de, tinggal bilang iya apa engga aja kok hehehe"
"Iya apa enggak apanya?!"
"Iya diterima apa enggak"
"Jelas enggak lah, mang segampang itu apa? gue belom kenal dia dan dia juga belom kenal gue kenepe bisa jadi gini?!"
"Pikirin aja sendiri. udah ah, gue juga mau tidur, daah"
Well.....she is rather cute i think, but it doesn't work that way. I'm not the type of person that can easily like a woman just by the way they look. So i return the next day talking to her cousin
"Engga. Jawaban gue enggak!"
"Yaah, jangan gitu dong. Kasian kan dia abis ditolak ma Ryan. Lagian kalo dia lo tolak nanti dia pulang ke rumahnya"
"So? Apa urusan gue? bagus kalau dia pulang"
"Jangan. Gue butuh dia buat bantu-bantu di rumah. Lagian kalau dia pulang nanti nyokapnya kawatir dia jadi liar lagi, pake obat, dugem, ga pulang ke rumah"
Another reasons to say NO. She's nuts.......
Sampai sekarang gue masih ga tau apa udah disampain apa belom jawaban gue. Tapi kayanya belom soalnya dia masih aja suka nempel kalo gue kesana. Ngapain kesana kata loe? Main Bola la~~....HHHhhhhh....Life.....Just when you want to enjoy life, came a problem like this. F@#K!!!!!
"Tuh yang pake jaket kuning"
"Halo, gue Ryan, bener mau kenalan ma gue?"
"Iya gue Dea. Gue Suka sama lo"
Itu perbincangan singkat awal temen gue yang namanya Ryan dengan seorang cewek di tempat kita biasa main sepakbola. Dea itu sepupunya temen gue juga, baru ngeliat rian 2 hari sebelum akhirnya kenalan. Gantengkah Ryan sampai seorang cewek berani menyatakan suka sebelum benar-benar kenal dengan Ryan? Kata orang sih mukanya agak mirip Ariel PeterPan, cuma sedikit lebih gelap warna kulitnya dan suaranya tidak seperti Ariel :P
Kaget "ditembak" cewek seperti itu Ryan jadi menghindar ketemu sama Dea. Dua hari kemudian, malam hari, saya "diculik" oleh Dea dan Sepupunya. Pikir saya waktu itu, "oh, paling mau nanya soal Ryan". Apa yang terjadi benar-benar diluar dugaan.
"Gue udah ga suka lagi ma Ryan, abis orangnya gitu sih, bukannya dijawab malah ngabur"
"Terus, buat apa manggil gue? mau gue bilangin ke Ryan kalo lo ga suka lagi?"
"Bukan. biarin aja. Males gue berurusan ma dia lagi"
"Terus apaan? Mau gue tanyain jawabannya apa?"
"Iih, dibilang ga usah ngomongin Ryan lagi. Gua suka sama loe"
WHAT THE HELL....?!?! How on earth...?!? That's the first thing came to my mind as she keep on staring me with her "naive" smile. "Gila kali ni cewek ya?" I said to myself.
"udah dulu ya, udah malem, gue cuma mau bilang itu aja" mmmuuah
I'm still amazed and confused, she landed a kiss on my cheek. WHAT THE F@#$..?!?! I got up still confused as she dissapear into her room........And her cousin tease me and laughing all the time.
"Ga usah bengong gitu dong de, tinggal bilang iya apa engga aja kok hehehe"
"Iya apa enggak apanya?!"
"Iya diterima apa enggak"
"Jelas enggak lah, mang segampang itu apa? gue belom kenal dia dan dia juga belom kenal gue kenepe bisa jadi gini?!"
"Pikirin aja sendiri. udah ah, gue juga mau tidur, daah"
Well.....she is rather cute i think, but it doesn't work that way. I'm not the type of person that can easily like a woman just by the way they look. So i return the next day talking to her cousin
"Engga. Jawaban gue enggak!"
"Yaah, jangan gitu dong. Kasian kan dia abis ditolak ma Ryan. Lagian kalo dia lo tolak nanti dia pulang ke rumahnya"
"So? Apa urusan gue? bagus kalau dia pulang"
"Jangan. Gue butuh dia buat bantu-bantu di rumah. Lagian kalau dia pulang nanti nyokapnya kawatir dia jadi liar lagi, pake obat, dugem, ga pulang ke rumah"
Another reasons to say NO. She's nuts.......
Sampai sekarang gue masih ga tau apa udah disampain apa belom jawaban gue. Tapi kayanya belom soalnya dia masih aja suka nempel kalo gue kesana. Ngapain kesana kata loe? Main Bola la~~....HHHhhhhh....Life.....Just when you want to enjoy life, came a problem like this. F@#K!!!!!
May 25, 2005
Mungkin sudah banyak yang mengenal Bajaj. Buat yang belum kenal, BAJAJ adalah kendaraan transportasi umum roda tiga yang murah di Jakarta yang "katanya" umurnya tinggal sebentar lagi (katanya lagi, mau diganti semuanya dengan kendaraan roda empat yang lebih ramah lingkungan bernama KANCIL). Bajaj ini kalo lewat, biasanya disertai umpatan dan makian orang2 sekitar yang merasa terganggu oleh kebisingan suaranya dan asap knalpotnya yang lebih parah sebenarnya dari motor 2 tak. Bajaj juga masuk ke dalam salah satu sumber polusi suara yang sedikit lagi berada di batas BERBAHAYA.
Kenapa saya nulis tentang Bajaj? Lebih baik dimulai dari awaaaal.....
Kemarin siang (Selasa, 24 Mei 2005) saya diminta untuk ke rumah sepupu saya yang berada di kawasan kampung Ambon untuk memformat harddisk sekaligus install ulang semua programnya. Kenapa harus diformat? Karena terkena virus dan trojan dari internet (maklum, tingkat security PC-nya rendah) yang tidak terdeteksi oleh salah satu brand antivirus yang cukup terkenal. Proses format dan install ulang ini (harddisk 80 Gb, terpakai 40Gb) makan waktu juga karena kesalahan2 kecil yang ada. Sampai pukul 9 malam kurang 15 menit, semuanya baru selesai. Saya berkesimpulan harus cepat-cepat ke jalan utama supaya tidak kehabisan angkot mengingat "jam edar" angkot yang hanya sampai jam 9 malam. Sebelum keluar, sepupu saya memberikan uang untuk ongkos. "Naik Bajaj aja kalo ga dapet angkot, uang baru tuh" katanya seraya menyerahkan selembar duapuluhribu ke tangan saya. Well, pikir saya kalau tidak dapat angkot, baru saya pakai uang ini. Sampai di jalan utama, dan setelah menunggu cukup lama, saya berpendapat bahwa angkot sudah tidak "beredar" lagi, dan memutuskan pulang naik bajaj.
Disini serunya. Bajaj yang saya naiki bersuara bising seperti bajaj lainnya. Tapi ada yang lebih mengejutkan lagi. Bajajnya punya Sound system seadanya dan seperangkat radiotape. Supir bajaj yang nyentrik ini sedang asyik mendengarkan lagu dangdut yang ga jelas. Bisa dibayangkan betapa telinga saya yang sudah berkurang kesensitifannya (rada budeg kata orang) disuguhkan suara sedemekian rupa dari mesin bajaj, knalpot bajaj dan sound system mendesis, sampai merasakan sakit dan "pengang" luar biasa. Entah terbuat dari apa telinga supir bajaj itu yang betah berada dalam kebisingan tingkat tinggi dalam waktu yang cukup lama. Kalau anda mau merasakan sensasi kebisingan luar biasa ini, sering-seringlah menaiki kendaraan Bajaj sebelum dia hilang dari peredaran. Saya sih, kalau bisa tidak naik bajaj seperti itu lagi.
Kenapa saya nulis tentang Bajaj? Lebih baik dimulai dari awaaaal.....
Kemarin siang (Selasa, 24 Mei 2005) saya diminta untuk ke rumah sepupu saya yang berada di kawasan kampung Ambon untuk memformat harddisk sekaligus install ulang semua programnya. Kenapa harus diformat? Karena terkena virus dan trojan dari internet (maklum, tingkat security PC-nya rendah) yang tidak terdeteksi oleh salah satu brand antivirus yang cukup terkenal. Proses format dan install ulang ini (harddisk 80 Gb, terpakai 40Gb) makan waktu juga karena kesalahan2 kecil yang ada. Sampai pukul 9 malam kurang 15 menit, semuanya baru selesai. Saya berkesimpulan harus cepat-cepat ke jalan utama supaya tidak kehabisan angkot mengingat "jam edar" angkot yang hanya sampai jam 9 malam. Sebelum keluar, sepupu saya memberikan uang untuk ongkos. "Naik Bajaj aja kalo ga dapet angkot, uang baru tuh" katanya seraya menyerahkan selembar duapuluhribu ke tangan saya. Well, pikir saya kalau tidak dapat angkot, baru saya pakai uang ini. Sampai di jalan utama, dan setelah menunggu cukup lama, saya berpendapat bahwa angkot sudah tidak "beredar" lagi, dan memutuskan pulang naik bajaj.
Disini serunya. Bajaj yang saya naiki bersuara bising seperti bajaj lainnya. Tapi ada yang lebih mengejutkan lagi. Bajajnya punya Sound system seadanya dan seperangkat radiotape. Supir bajaj yang nyentrik ini sedang asyik mendengarkan lagu dangdut yang ga jelas. Bisa dibayangkan betapa telinga saya yang sudah berkurang kesensitifannya (rada budeg kata orang) disuguhkan suara sedemekian rupa dari mesin bajaj, knalpot bajaj dan sound system mendesis, sampai merasakan sakit dan "pengang" luar biasa. Entah terbuat dari apa telinga supir bajaj itu yang betah berada dalam kebisingan tingkat tinggi dalam waktu yang cukup lama. Kalau anda mau merasakan sensasi kebisingan luar biasa ini, sering-seringlah menaiki kendaraan Bajaj sebelum dia hilang dari peredaran. Saya sih, kalau bisa tidak naik bajaj seperti itu lagi.
May 18, 2005
Armageddon Theory - A short Preview
I've been hearing about the end of days theory recently from someone i admire. He said that the end of days is near, but no one can ever tell the exact date and time, it's a secret only God knows. But to see the signs through Bible, the signs are there in the world right now. Hard to write in english so i'll write in indo.
Terbentuknya Uni Eropa adalah salahsatu tanda yang dimaksud. Gw lupa ayat mana, tapi uni eropa menurutnya adalah salah satu hewan yang muncul dalam mimpi Daniel tentang akhir jaman. Terus, masih menurutnya, AntiKris sudah mulai menampakkan diri dengan gerakan humanisme. biarpun Antikris belum menyatakan diri dengan terang-terangan tapi arah kesana sudah dekat tanpa kita sadari. Intinya, dia mengingatkan kita bahwa akhir jaman sudah dekat.
Takut? gw pribadi sih gak begitu takut, karena akhir jaman pasti terjadi dan ga ada yang bisa kita lakukan sebagai manusia untuk mencegahnya. Kita cuma bisa untuk tetap dekat dengan Sang Pencipta.
Gw nulis ini karena gw bingung mau nulis apa lagi. Too many emotions and thoughts in my mind and i can't write 'em all. enak ya yang punya bakat nulis, blognya bisa penuh dengan tulisan menarik. Gw sendiri selain lagi sibuk nyelesain kuliah, lagi sbuk nyari kerja hehehe.....lumayan kan buat bantu biaya kuliah. Udah ah, makin ga jelas gw jadinya :P
Terbentuknya Uni Eropa adalah salahsatu tanda yang dimaksud. Gw lupa ayat mana, tapi uni eropa menurutnya adalah salah satu hewan yang muncul dalam mimpi Daniel tentang akhir jaman. Terus, masih menurutnya, AntiKris sudah mulai menampakkan diri dengan gerakan humanisme. biarpun Antikris belum menyatakan diri dengan terang-terangan tapi arah kesana sudah dekat tanpa kita sadari. Intinya, dia mengingatkan kita bahwa akhir jaman sudah dekat.
Takut? gw pribadi sih gak begitu takut, karena akhir jaman pasti terjadi dan ga ada yang bisa kita lakukan sebagai manusia untuk mencegahnya. Kita cuma bisa untuk tetap dekat dengan Sang Pencipta.
Gw nulis ini karena gw bingung mau nulis apa lagi. Too many emotions and thoughts in my mind and i can't write 'em all. enak ya yang punya bakat nulis, blognya bisa penuh dengan tulisan menarik. Gw sendiri selain lagi sibuk nyelesain kuliah, lagi sbuk nyari kerja hehehe.....lumayan kan buat bantu biaya kuliah. Udah ah, makin ga jelas gw jadinya :P
May 4, 2005
I Felt Bad
I felt bad today. Yesterday i went online and heard this new song from indonesian band "PADI". it was played on winAmp, the album hasn't benn released yet, so i assume that they got it from downloading. I told my friend about the new song and he went to search the web for the song. He's gone online again today and still doesn't get the new song. I felt bad because i may have disappointed him. I wish i knew the site to dLoad new Indonesian mp3s. Heeeeeelp
It was hot today, FREAKING HOT!! It seems like the sun is closer, and closer, and closer each day. I hate the weather so bad, i could've cursed the creator of the weather (fortunately i didn't, bad idea to curse at God).
I have a mid term test on friday. a lot of counting to do, but that's not a problem to me, i'm only lacking in memorizing notes. AAaaaargh, some dude with bad voice was singing outloud, i lost my concentration in writing. Damn It, does he think this place is his house??? keep the voice low dude, or i might have to kick yer ass!!
ciao. ROCK ON!
It was hot today, FREAKING HOT!! It seems like the sun is closer, and closer, and closer each day. I hate the weather so bad, i could've cursed the creator of the weather (fortunately i didn't, bad idea to curse at God).
I have a mid term test on friday. a lot of counting to do, but that's not a problem to me, i'm only lacking in memorizing notes. AAaaaargh, some dude with bad voice was singing outloud, i lost my concentration in writing. Damn It, does he think this place is his house??? keep the voice low dude, or i might have to kick yer ass!!
ciao. ROCK ON!
Apr 15, 2005
Damn it! i'm at the lowest point of my mood today, didn't feel like doing anything. Even going online doesn't feel right. I wanted to do something that's not soitaire. I wanted to go out at night again. We are planning to go to JaRule concert, but april 21st is still a week from now, i wonder if i'll make it.....
Back then i have someone to talk to whenever i'm at my lowest mood, and that person sure has WORDS that can lift my mood up soooo high. She's not near now, and i don't want to became dependent of that person, so i'll just cope with this for a while. Who knows what could happen.
Back then i have someone to talk to whenever i'm at my lowest mood, and that person sure has WORDS that can lift my mood up soooo high. She's not near now, and i don't want to became dependent of that person, so i'll just cope with this for a while. Who knows what could happen.
Did I Deserve It?
Did i deserve it
just because i'm poor
just because i'm ugly
just because i'm heavy
Did i deserve it
just because i'm not cool enough
just because i get nervous around a woman
just because the funny voice i have
Did i deserve it
just because i cursed a lot
just because i get easily jealous
just because i'm emotional
Did i deserve it
To be left alone out in the rain
Staring at an empty street where we used to be
wishing that you're al here with me
Did i deserve it?
just because i'm poor
just because i'm ugly
just because i'm heavy
Did i deserve it
just because i'm not cool enough
just because i get nervous around a woman
just because the funny voice i have
Did i deserve it
just because i cursed a lot
just because i get easily jealous
just because i'm emotional
Did i deserve it
To be left alone out in the rain
Staring at an empty street where we used to be
wishing that you're al here with me
Did i deserve it?
Apr 12, 2005
What a HOT day Today
i'm just writing to complain about the weather today. ITS FREAKING HOT!! it wasn't this hot when i leave to campus, but when i arrived there, it's like hell visits earth. thank goodness there were AirConds. im at internet cafe now. suddenly, the snail became the speedy, i just cant believe how fast the connection of the cafe today. And the aircond, oooh, just perfect considering the weather outside. im ordering my favourite, strawberry milk. havent eaten yet, maybe later at home.
i confused of what to do here, so i just chat at mirc. found this channel consisted of avril fans I LOVE IT!! i think i'll be there for some time now.
see ya.
i'm just writing to complain about the weather today. ITS FREAKING HOT!! it wasn't this hot when i leave to campus, but when i arrived there, it's like hell visits earth. thank goodness there were AirConds. im at internet cafe now. suddenly, the snail became the speedy, i just cant believe how fast the connection of the cafe today. And the aircond, oooh, just perfect considering the weather outside. im ordering my favourite, strawberry milk. havent eaten yet, maybe later at home.
i confused of what to do here, so i just chat at mirc. found this channel consisted of avril fans I LOVE IT!! i think i'll be there for some time now.
see ya.
Apr 11, 2005
Personality Disorder Test
I took this online personality disorder test just now and here are the result
Disorder Rating Information
Paranoid: Low click for info
Schizoid: Low click for info
Schizotypal: High click for info
Antisocial: Moderate click for info
Borderline: Moderate click for info
Histrionic: Moderate click for info
Narcissistic: Moderate click for info
Avoidant: Low click for info
Dependent: High click for info
Obsessive-Compulsive: Low click for info
to take the same test simpliy click to this
Personality disorder test
Disorder Rating Information
Paranoid: Low click for info
Schizoid: Low click for info
Schizotypal: High click for info
Antisocial: Moderate click for info
Borderline: Moderate click for info
Histrionic: Moderate click for info
Narcissistic: Moderate click for info
Avoidant: Low click for info
Dependent: High click for info
Obsessive-Compulsive: Low click for info
to take the same test simpliy click to this
Apr 8, 2005
I'm not going to write about the popular series, i love the series but i'm not writing about it today. I'm writing about my real friends. I'm sure everyone has friends at different stages of your life, friends from elementary school, junior high, high school, university, hobby community, internet, etc. So do i. I'm writing about my friends whom i met at this game center called HT.
I know the place, HT, back in 99. I played there when i have spare time (and money). I got to know the keepers first, Arya and Usman. Good fellas, Arya is a slim man, good moslem, more like a cool guy. Usman is more quiet at first, but as time goes, he became very talkative. Then i got to know Amink and Prio. Amink lives right across the street where HT was. Amink is a small white dude, with good body muscle, talkative, a bit snobbish sometimes. Prio, is primus lookalike, he is more calm, owns motorcycle, a great friend in ups and downs. Then came Bejo, Riyan, Didit, Erick, Aryo, Ulay, nando and Welly. I can't describe these names, it would take a whole day. Let's just say that they're good friends.
As the number increase, we started to play soccer together. from soccer came the names of late Bagus, Doko (riyan's big brother), Egent, Azhan (bejo's younger bro), Herou, Wahyu, Ian, Rio, Kesle, Dade, Wiwi, Apun, Beng-beng, Pidonk, Aboy. What a party eh? These names from the top are the people i used to spend time with, either it's playing soccer, hang out, go out riding motorcycles, play card game (no gambling), being naughty, etc. for the note, we did it all TOGETHER, not all names though, i think Bejo, Prio, riyan, and me hangs out more together than the others.
I Missed it. I missed the togetherness. Now they go out whitout even asking me if i want to come along, they do stuff without including me in. It's not like i'm jealous, i just loves the idea doing things together, i like the idea of solidarity, i'm a social person, what more can i say. I guess you can never expect so much out of humans......................
I know the place, HT, back in 99. I played there when i have spare time (and money). I got to know the keepers first, Arya and Usman. Good fellas, Arya is a slim man, good moslem, more like a cool guy. Usman is more quiet at first, but as time goes, he became very talkative. Then i got to know Amink and Prio. Amink lives right across the street where HT was. Amink is a small white dude, with good body muscle, talkative, a bit snobbish sometimes. Prio, is primus lookalike, he is more calm, owns motorcycle, a great friend in ups and downs. Then came Bejo, Riyan, Didit, Erick, Aryo, Ulay, nando and Welly. I can't describe these names, it would take a whole day. Let's just say that they're good friends.
As the number increase, we started to play soccer together. from soccer came the names of late Bagus, Doko (riyan's big brother), Egent, Azhan (bejo's younger bro), Herou, Wahyu, Ian, Rio, Kesle, Dade, Wiwi, Apun, Beng-beng, Pidonk, Aboy. What a party eh? These names from the top are the people i used to spend time with, either it's playing soccer, hang out, go out riding motorcycles, play card game (no gambling), being naughty, etc. for the note, we did it all TOGETHER, not all names though, i think Bejo, Prio, riyan, and me hangs out more together than the others.
I Missed it. I missed the togetherness. Now they go out whitout even asking me if i want to come along, they do stuff without including me in. It's not like i'm jealous, i just loves the idea doing things together, i like the idea of solidarity, i'm a social person, what more can i say. I guess you can never expect so much out of humans......................
Apr 5, 2005
Let's start off with.........
What's the average time of a concert lasts? one hour? an hour and a half? or maybe two hours? And how many songs were played in a concert? 10? 15? 20? These are what mostly used to tell whether a concert can be rated as poor, fair, good or superb. To me, it's not how long a concert lasts or how many songs played that makes a concert rate, it's the performance of the artist, the quality of the artist or band when singing live.
Avril Lavigne's Bonez tour 2005 concert in Jakarta on April 4th 2005 can be rated either Brilliantly Superb (Subjectively speaking, for i am a BIG fan of her) or satisfyingly good (Objectively speaking). Avril concert that night lasted for about 70 minutes long. Too short you say? Yes, but if you were there, it doesn't feel like a short concert time. Avril and the band gave out their best on that 70 minutes or so, and the only thing that can be called "minus" was the sound system. The stage was big, with black backdrop and Red Avril's Star as the background, and absolutely powerful lightning, makes the stage simple yet Amazing. The sound system made feedbacks on couple of songs, lost the lead guitar sound on couple of songs, and what's important was how Avril's voice sounded more loud than the band's music (a critic for Java Musikindo).
Av kicks off the show with the latest single of her second album "under my skin", "He Wasn't". Av was wearing a black tanktop with Freedom written on it, Blue jeans and a pair of sneakers. "My Happy Ending" came second on the playlist. from there, getting too excited to sing along, i lost count of the playlist. I forgot the order! (damnit, i should've wrote it down). Overall, Av and the band played 19 songs. They are "Take Me Away", "Together", "Don't Tell Me", "Nobody's Home", "Forgotten", "Who Knows", "Things I'll Never Say", "Freak Out", "I Always Get What I Want", "Tomorrow", "Losing Grip", "Sk8er Boi", "I'm With You", Blur's "Song 2", and ends the concert with "Complicated".
Av plays guitar on several songs, plays piano on "Together" and "Forgotten", plays accoustic on "Tomorrow", and plays drum on Blur's "Song 2". Vocal for Blur's "Song 2" was taken over by her rythm Guitarist.
There were pickpocketeers on location. Java have warned the crowd to be aware of our belongings. At the break waiting for the preparation of Av's Piano session, one of the Java's men shouted "check your valuable belongings like cellphone and wallet! Pickpocket sighted!". I don't know if they caught the pickpocket eventually, cause i'm busy enjoying the concert.
Back to Avril. Av's surely shows the crowd how talented she was, and what an awesome performer she was. Her vocal quality was perfect! Am i satisfied you ask? have seen her live for the first time sure do quench my thirst, but i can never get enough of Avril Lavigne. for the time being, i'm overly satisfied.
That's all on the report, sorry for any mistakes i made for i am only human who makes mistakes. Thank you very much to Java Musikindo for making my dream come true, thanks to Dian Taksi (i took 'em both on my journey), and everyone who helped me (in whatever that is heheheheh). See you in the next report.
What's the average time of a concert lasts? one hour? an hour and a half? or maybe two hours? And how many songs were played in a concert? 10? 15? 20? These are what mostly used to tell whether a concert can be rated as poor, fair, good or superb. To me, it's not how long a concert lasts or how many songs played that makes a concert rate, it's the performance of the artist, the quality of the artist or band when singing live.
Avril Lavigne's Bonez tour 2005 concert in Jakarta on April 4th 2005 can be rated either Brilliantly Superb (Subjectively speaking, for i am a BIG fan of her) or satisfyingly good (Objectively speaking). Avril concert that night lasted for about 70 minutes long. Too short you say? Yes, but if you were there, it doesn't feel like a short concert time. Avril and the band gave out their best on that 70 minutes or so, and the only thing that can be called "minus" was the sound system. The stage was big, with black backdrop and Red Avril's Star as the background, and absolutely powerful lightning, makes the stage simple yet Amazing. The sound system made feedbacks on couple of songs, lost the lead guitar sound on couple of songs, and what's important was how Avril's voice sounded more loud than the band's music (a critic for Java Musikindo).
Av kicks off the show with the latest single of her second album "under my skin", "He Wasn't". Av was wearing a black tanktop with Freedom written on it, Blue jeans and a pair of sneakers. "My Happy Ending" came second on the playlist. from there, getting too excited to sing along, i lost count of the playlist. I forgot the order! (damnit, i should've wrote it down). Overall, Av and the band played 19 songs. They are "Take Me Away", "Together", "Don't Tell Me", "Nobody's Home", "Forgotten", "Who Knows", "Things I'll Never Say", "Freak Out", "I Always Get What I Want", "Tomorrow", "Losing Grip", "Sk8er Boi", "I'm With You", Blur's "Song 2", and ends the concert with "Complicated".
Av plays guitar on several songs, plays piano on "Together" and "Forgotten", plays accoustic on "Tomorrow", and plays drum on Blur's "Song 2". Vocal for Blur's "Song 2" was taken over by her rythm Guitarist.
There were pickpocketeers on location. Java have warned the crowd to be aware of our belongings. At the break waiting for the preparation of Av's Piano session, one of the Java's men shouted "check your valuable belongings like cellphone and wallet! Pickpocket sighted!". I don't know if they caught the pickpocket eventually, cause i'm busy enjoying the concert.
Back to Avril. Av's surely shows the crowd how talented she was, and what an awesome performer she was. Her vocal quality was perfect! Am i satisfied you ask? have seen her live for the first time sure do quench my thirst, but i can never get enough of Avril Lavigne. for the time being, i'm overly satisfied.
That's all on the report, sorry for any mistakes i made for i am only human who makes mistakes. Thank you very much to Java Musikindo for making my dream come true, thanks to Dian Taksi (i took 'em both on my journey), and everyone who helped me (in whatever that is heheheheh). See you in the next report.
Mar 31, 2005
Whew, it's been a while
It's been a while since i last wrote a blog. I was kinda busy, with everyone telling me to hurry up and claim my university degree (aka. quickly graduate), so i tried my best not to dissapoint them.
i have a lot of writings to be posted actually, it's just that i forgot to bring it to the internet "waroeng". so here i am trying to write something that might interest you all.
I went to Simple Plan concert last weekend with friends. there were 5 of us. Not really watching the show, just hangin' out right outside the venue and listening to the music (not really clear tho', it's like listening to an old magnetic tape) and sightseeing. Two girl came to my attention at the side gate, both were white and quite gorgeous, BUT they came with their boyfrens i think. they left after "Welcome to my life" finished playing. We saw celebs too, Sarah Azhari and her sister Rahma came with a friend. A friend of mine says hi to Sarah, and she replied a quick "yes". Nice BooBS hehehehehehe just kidding, i don't really stare at her boobs :P
We went home after the show which SHOCKINGLY to us was more children than adults went to the concert. Makes me kinda wondering, are simple plan a KIDSBAND???? why kids love them more than adults??? Anyway, we went to WAFA afterwards (not know wafa? hello......where are you from? it's like.....a must to be known place to hang out and eat) to grab a bite or two. From Wafa we went home at around 11.30.
That was it, one time escaping my soooooooo veryyyyyyyyyyy DULL LIFE (of course watching movies and listening music are another ways to escape).
I'll be posting the chapter two of Diary Of A Normal Man soon enough. Until then........SEE YA
i have a lot of writings to be posted actually, it's just that i forgot to bring it to the internet "waroeng". so here i am trying to write something that might interest you all.
I went to Simple Plan concert last weekend with friends. there were 5 of us. Not really watching the show, just hangin' out right outside the venue and listening to the music (not really clear tho', it's like listening to an old magnetic tape) and sightseeing. Two girl came to my attention at the side gate, both were white and quite gorgeous, BUT they came with their boyfrens i think. they left after "Welcome to my life" finished playing. We saw celebs too, Sarah Azhari and her sister Rahma came with a friend. A friend of mine says hi to Sarah, and she replied a quick "yes". Nice BooBS hehehehehehe just kidding, i don't really stare at her boobs :P
We went home after the show which SHOCKINGLY to us was more children than adults went to the concert. Makes me kinda wondering, are simple plan a KIDSBAND???? why kids love them more than adults??? Anyway, we went to WAFA afterwards (not know wafa? hello......where are you from? it's like.....a must to be known place to hang out and eat) to grab a bite or two. From Wafa we went home at around 11.30.
That was it, one time escaping my soooooooo veryyyyyyyyyyy DULL LIFE (of course watching movies and listening music are another ways to escape).
I'll be posting the chapter two of Diary Of A Normal Man soon enough. Until then........SEE YA
Mar 14, 2005
Rock Girl
Sitting in a room with the T.V. on
My friend is there with me busy with his phone
Suddenly something attracts me
To increase the volume of the tele
A girl is singing and playing guitar
Her voice is so lovely sets my mind up far
Who could she be I ask me
She attracts me deeply like honey do bee
Her eyes strikingly gorgeous
This I am serious
The eyes of the rock girl
More beautiful than pearl
Avril Lavigne is the name so I see
At the end of the song that I wanted again to see
Starting that day I am a fan and always will be
Of the rock girl and the band that I saw on MTV
My friend is there with me busy with his phone
Suddenly something attracts me
To increase the volume of the tele
A girl is singing and playing guitar
Her voice is so lovely sets my mind up far
Who could she be I ask me
She attracts me deeply like honey do bee
Her eyes strikingly gorgeous
This I am serious
The eyes of the rock girl
More beautiful than pearl
Avril Lavigne is the name so I see
At the end of the song that I wanted again to see
Starting that day I am a fan and always will be
Of the rock girl and the band that I saw on MTV
Mar 13, 2005
I Just Can't Wait Any Longer

I just Can't wait any longer for her to come.........
She has rock my life all these years, and now she's going to add another Rockin' flavour to my life

Kangen juga sama saat - saat masih aktif di Himpunan. Kangen sama rekan - rekan Himpunan............. udah pada jadi orang sukses semua kah?
Bisa ga ya reuni khusus pengurus Himpunan??
Miss you all guyz!!!
Mar 2, 2005
Mission Failed : The quest for Avril Lavigne Ticket
These Happened Yesterday..................
Gue ama temen gue naek motor kemaren siang buat beli tiket konser avril lavigne. Dari info yang gue dapet dari event organizer, katanya tiket udah bisa dibeli di semua outlet DiscTarra dan Tarra Megastore. Target pertama adalah Disc Tarra Hero Pondok Bambu. Sedikit pesimis sih, soalnya Disc Tarra di Hero rada kecil, jadi sempet bertanya-tanya dalam hati "Apa iya dijual disini?". Sebelom nyampe, kita isi bensin dulu. Pas banget itu hari pertama naeknya harga BBM. Karena antrean di Premium panjangnya minta ampun, akhirnya temen gue mutusin untuk ngisi Pertamax aja, toh harganya tinggal beda 1600 doang sekarang. Begitu nyampe, kita gak langsung ke Disc Tarra yang tempatnya di lantai 1, gue musti ambil duit dulu di ATM di lantai 2. Di Atm, antrean juga panjang, apa orang2 pada ngambil duit buat ngisi bensin ya? Lagi enak-enaknya ngantri, baru nyadar gue kalo antreannya gak bergerak untuk beberapa waktu. pas gue liat, gak taunya yang paling depan mau coba-coba masukin kartu ATM BRI ke mesin ATM BCA. Tapi dia coba berkali-kali itu kartu dimuntahin lagi sama mesinnya. Dalam hati gue mikir, "kok bego amat sih, namanya mesin sekali nolak ya bakalan nolak terus, ngelamain aja." Akhirnya orang yang dibelakangnya negur "Mbak, ga bisa tuh, coba cari Atm BRI aja, antrian panjang nih" Dengan muka cemberut akhirnya si mbak dengan temannya pergi (hey, kalo diinget-inget, mirip blognya ramza, long queue. bukan berarti nyontek lho dre, kebetulan aja pengalaman ngantri atm lo ma gue mirip). Setelah ngambil duit tambahan, baru deh kita turun ke DiscTarra. Dan ternyata tiket Avril Lavigne belum dijual.
Sebel? belom sih, kan masih banyak DiscTarra yang belom dicoba. Target kedua DiscTarra Arion Rawamangun. Biarpun lebih kecil daripada DiscTarra Hero, tapi karena di mal, kita lebih pede kalo disini dijual. "Mas, tiket Avril Lavigne ada?" "Avril? belom tuh mas, adanya Simple plan sama Cake" "Lho, kata Java Musikindo udah ada di semua DiscTarra" "Oh gitu ya? Belum ada tuh mas. Gini aja deh, mas tinggalin aja nomor telepon, nanti kalau ada saya telepon mas" "Bisa mas ya? iya deh" Akhirnya gue cuma ninggalin nomor telepon ke mas-mas di kasir (gue selalu lupa ngeliat nama orang di ID card, padahal kan penting juga untuk tahu nama orang lain).
Udah mulai sebel? iya!! Sebel soalnya gue mulai cape muter-muter jakarta di cuaca panas. sebel juga soalnya gue ngerasa dibohongin sama operator telepon Event organizer (yang namanya lagi-lagi lupa gue tanya). Anyway, target berikut Tarra Megastore Kelapa Gading Mal. Repot juga ke MKG, soalnya parkir motor seolah dikucilkan, jauh dari lokasi mal. Sampai di Tarra, gantian temen gue yang nanya ke kasir. Kasirnya bilang "Java belum hubungi kita tuh mas soal Avril. mungkin bulan april nanti baru ada" dalam hati gue "HAH!?! Gak salah tuh? konsernya kan tanggal 4 april, kok tiketnya baru dijual bulan april? salah kali nih orang".
Akhirnya dengan tubuh lumayan pegel dan perut laper, kita mutusin buat pulang aja. Sebelum pulang sempet juga sih makan di warteg langganan, trus ke warnet yang Minta Ampun LEMOTNYAAAAA!!!! Satu jam cuma buat signup photobucket, ngapus email, en friendster sebentar. aduh, kok masih ada ya warnet lemot begitu?? untung murah, coba kalo mahal, gue pecahin tuh monitor (gak sampe segitu juga sih, gue kan taat hukum).
Sampai di rumah, gue nelpon event organizer buat bilangin kalo gue udah muter-muter jakarta, ke sekian tempat DiscTarra, tapi ternyata belum dijual. Operatornya (habis gue gak tau namanya) ngoper gue ke seorang wanita yang kayanya lebih ngerti soal penjualan tiket. Si Mbak (duuh, kenapa sih gue pikun nanya nama?) nyaranin buat nelpon ke DiscTarra langsung, sementara dia juga konfirmasi ke DiscTarra. Dan akhirnya, DiscTarra phone operator cabang hero Kebon jeruk bilang "Tiket sudah bisa dibeli di seluruh cabang DiscTarra mulai besok"
So here i am with Avril Lavigne Ticket in my hand, sharing my story, telling you all to never quit on something you like. Keep trying and you will get it eventually.
Gue ama temen gue naek motor kemaren siang buat beli tiket konser avril lavigne. Dari info yang gue dapet dari event organizer, katanya tiket udah bisa dibeli di semua outlet DiscTarra dan Tarra Megastore. Target pertama adalah Disc Tarra Hero Pondok Bambu. Sedikit pesimis sih, soalnya Disc Tarra di Hero rada kecil, jadi sempet bertanya-tanya dalam hati "Apa iya dijual disini?". Sebelom nyampe, kita isi bensin dulu. Pas banget itu hari pertama naeknya harga BBM. Karena antrean di Premium panjangnya minta ampun, akhirnya temen gue mutusin untuk ngisi Pertamax aja, toh harganya tinggal beda 1600 doang sekarang. Begitu nyampe, kita gak langsung ke Disc Tarra yang tempatnya di lantai 1, gue musti ambil duit dulu di ATM di lantai 2. Di Atm, antrean juga panjang, apa orang2 pada ngambil duit buat ngisi bensin ya? Lagi enak-enaknya ngantri, baru nyadar gue kalo antreannya gak bergerak untuk beberapa waktu. pas gue liat, gak taunya yang paling depan mau coba-coba masukin kartu ATM BRI ke mesin ATM BCA. Tapi dia coba berkali-kali itu kartu dimuntahin lagi sama mesinnya. Dalam hati gue mikir, "kok bego amat sih, namanya mesin sekali nolak ya bakalan nolak terus, ngelamain aja." Akhirnya orang yang dibelakangnya negur "Mbak, ga bisa tuh, coba cari Atm BRI aja, antrian panjang nih" Dengan muka cemberut akhirnya si mbak dengan temannya pergi (hey, kalo diinget-inget, mirip blognya ramza, long queue. bukan berarti nyontek lho dre, kebetulan aja pengalaman ngantri atm lo ma gue mirip). Setelah ngambil duit tambahan, baru deh kita turun ke DiscTarra. Dan ternyata tiket Avril Lavigne belum dijual.
Sebel? belom sih, kan masih banyak DiscTarra yang belom dicoba. Target kedua DiscTarra Arion Rawamangun. Biarpun lebih kecil daripada DiscTarra Hero, tapi karena di mal, kita lebih pede kalo disini dijual. "Mas, tiket Avril Lavigne ada?" "Avril? belom tuh mas, adanya Simple plan sama Cake" "Lho, kata Java Musikindo udah ada di semua DiscTarra" "Oh gitu ya? Belum ada tuh mas. Gini aja deh, mas tinggalin aja nomor telepon, nanti kalau ada saya telepon mas" "Bisa mas ya? iya deh" Akhirnya gue cuma ninggalin nomor telepon ke mas-mas di kasir (gue selalu lupa ngeliat nama orang di ID card, padahal kan penting juga untuk tahu nama orang lain).
Udah mulai sebel? iya!! Sebel soalnya gue mulai cape muter-muter jakarta di cuaca panas. sebel juga soalnya gue ngerasa dibohongin sama operator telepon Event organizer (yang namanya lagi-lagi lupa gue tanya). Anyway, target berikut Tarra Megastore Kelapa Gading Mal. Repot juga ke MKG, soalnya parkir motor seolah dikucilkan, jauh dari lokasi mal. Sampai di Tarra, gantian temen gue yang nanya ke kasir. Kasirnya bilang "Java belum hubungi kita tuh mas soal Avril. mungkin bulan april nanti baru ada" dalam hati gue "HAH!?! Gak salah tuh? konsernya kan tanggal 4 april, kok tiketnya baru dijual bulan april? salah kali nih orang".
Akhirnya dengan tubuh lumayan pegel dan perut laper, kita mutusin buat pulang aja. Sebelum pulang sempet juga sih makan di warteg langganan, trus ke warnet yang Minta Ampun LEMOTNYAAAAA!!!! Satu jam cuma buat signup photobucket, ngapus email, en friendster sebentar. aduh, kok masih ada ya warnet lemot begitu?? untung murah, coba kalo mahal, gue pecahin tuh monitor (gak sampe segitu juga sih, gue kan taat hukum).
Sampai di rumah, gue nelpon event organizer buat bilangin kalo gue udah muter-muter jakarta, ke sekian tempat DiscTarra, tapi ternyata belum dijual. Operatornya (habis gue gak tau namanya) ngoper gue ke seorang wanita yang kayanya lebih ngerti soal penjualan tiket. Si Mbak (duuh, kenapa sih gue pikun nanya nama?) nyaranin buat nelpon ke DiscTarra langsung, sementara dia juga konfirmasi ke DiscTarra. Dan akhirnya, DiscTarra phone operator cabang hero Kebon jeruk bilang "Tiket sudah bisa dibeli di seluruh cabang DiscTarra mulai besok"
So here i am with Avril Lavigne Ticket in my hand, sharing my story, telling you all to never quit on something you like. Keep trying and you will get it eventually.
Oscar!! Winners report plus Comments
The 77th Academy Awards was held at Kodak Theatre, and hosted by Chris Rock. The Academy gave the Best Picture award to MILLION DOLLAR BABY (Clint Eastwood, Director, also recieve the Best Director for this movie). Morgan Freeman (Best Actor in a Supporting Role) and Hillary Swank (Best Actress in a Leading Role) completed the Four oscars that MILLION DOLLAR BABY recieved that night. Meanwhile, the most expected movie of last season, THE AVIATOR, snatched Five Oscars on Best Actress in a Supporting Role, Best Editing, Art Direction, Costume Design and Cinematography. Leonardo diCaprio failed to get Oscar after winning the Golden Globe for Best Actor in a Leading Role. The Best Actor in a Leading Role goes to Jamie Foxx (RAY). RAY also recieved Oscar for Best Sound Mixing. FINDING NEVERLAND snatched one award for Best Music (Score). Other result can be viewed below.
ART DIRECTION - THE AVIATOR - Dante Ferretti (Art Direction); Francesca Lo Schiavo (Set Decoration)
BEST PICTURE - MILLION DOLLAR BABY - Clint Eastwood, Albert S. Ruddy and Tom Rosenberg
FILM EDITING - THE AVIATOR - Thelma Schoonmaker
FOREIGN LANGUAGE FILM - THE SEA INSIDE (Spain) - Directed by Alejandro Amenábar
MUSIC (SONG) - THE MOTORCYCLE DIARIES - "Al Otro Lado Del RÃo"Music and Lyric by Jorge Drexler
WRITING (ADAPTED SCREENPLAY) - SIDEWAYS - Screenplay by Alexander Payne & Jim Taylor
WRITING (ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY) - ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND - Screenplay by Charlie Kaufman; Story by Charlie Kaufman & Michel Gondry & Pierre Bismuth
SOUND EDITING - THE INCREDIBLES - Michael Silvers and Randy Thom
SOUND MIXING - RAY - Scott Millan, Greg Orloff, Bob Beemer and Steve Cantamessa
VISUAL EFFECTS - SPIDER-MAN 2 - John Dykstra, Scott Stokdyk, Anthony LaMolinara and John Frazier
Thanks a bunch to and Indosiar Visual Mandiri.
ART DIRECTION - THE AVIATOR - Dante Ferretti (Art Direction); Francesca Lo Schiavo (Set Decoration)
BEST PICTURE - MILLION DOLLAR BABY - Clint Eastwood, Albert S. Ruddy and Tom Rosenberg
FILM EDITING - THE AVIATOR - Thelma Schoonmaker
FOREIGN LANGUAGE FILM - THE SEA INSIDE (Spain) - Directed by Alejandro Amenábar
MUSIC (SONG) - THE MOTORCYCLE DIARIES - "Al Otro Lado Del RÃo"Music and Lyric by Jorge Drexler
WRITING (ADAPTED SCREENPLAY) - SIDEWAYS - Screenplay by Alexander Payne & Jim Taylor
WRITING (ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY) - ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND - Screenplay by Charlie Kaufman; Story by Charlie Kaufman & Michel Gondry & Pierre Bismuth
SOUND EDITING - THE INCREDIBLES - Michael Silvers and Randy Thom
SOUND MIXING - RAY - Scott Millan, Greg Orloff, Bob Beemer and Steve Cantamessa
VISUAL EFFECTS - SPIDER-MAN 2 - John Dykstra, Scott Stokdyk, Anthony LaMolinara and John Frazier
Thanks a bunch to and Indosiar Visual Mandiri.
Feb 23, 2005
Diary Of A Normal Man
Chapter I
Tahun 1990, bulan-bulan awal tahun. Waktu itu dia masih duduk di kelas 3 Sekolah Dasar. Walaupun hasil test I.Q. yang diperolehnya 160, dia bukan termasuk anak yang berprestasi. Hali ini lebih disebabkan karena dia termasuk malas dalam hal belajar. Tubuhnya tergolong gendut, berkulit agak gelap karena memang setiap harinya, atau lebih tepat lagi setiap siang hari dia selalu berada diluar rumah untuk bermain.
Pagi itu dia baru saja memukul seorang teman sekelas tepat di hidungnya hingga berdarah. Selama ini dia menganggap dirinya lemah, karena memang untuk mengangkat beban jika dibandingkan temannya yang lain dia lebih lemah. Tapi tadi, satu pukulan bisa membuat Jagoan kelasnya berdarah. Sekarang dia merasa dirinya hebat. Dia juga senang bisa menghajar teman sekelas yang sering menggangu dan mengejek dia. Tapi ada perasaan cemas yang dia rasakan. Dia takut kalau sampai gurunya tahu, dia akan dimarahi. Lebih buruk dari itu, dia takut kalau anak itu melaporkan kepada orang tua dan kakak-kakaknya, yang dia ketahui lebih seram daripada teman sekelasnya yang kurus kering itu.
Beruntung bagi dia, anak itu tidak melaporkan kepada siapapun. Bahkan anak itu tidak pernah lagi mengganggu dan mengejek dia lagi. "Kehidupan Sekolah Dasar dimulai," pikirnya......
Tahun 1990, bulan-bulan awal tahun. Waktu itu dia masih duduk di kelas 3 Sekolah Dasar. Walaupun hasil test I.Q. yang diperolehnya 160, dia bukan termasuk anak yang berprestasi. Hali ini lebih disebabkan karena dia termasuk malas dalam hal belajar. Tubuhnya tergolong gendut, berkulit agak gelap karena memang setiap harinya, atau lebih tepat lagi setiap siang hari dia selalu berada diluar rumah untuk bermain.
Pagi itu dia baru saja memukul seorang teman sekelas tepat di hidungnya hingga berdarah. Selama ini dia menganggap dirinya lemah, karena memang untuk mengangkat beban jika dibandingkan temannya yang lain dia lebih lemah. Tapi tadi, satu pukulan bisa membuat Jagoan kelasnya berdarah. Sekarang dia merasa dirinya hebat. Dia juga senang bisa menghajar teman sekelas yang sering menggangu dan mengejek dia. Tapi ada perasaan cemas yang dia rasakan. Dia takut kalau sampai gurunya tahu, dia akan dimarahi. Lebih buruk dari itu, dia takut kalau anak itu melaporkan kepada orang tua dan kakak-kakaknya, yang dia ketahui lebih seram daripada teman sekelasnya yang kurus kering itu.
Beruntung bagi dia, anak itu tidak melaporkan kepada siapapun. Bahkan anak itu tidak pernah lagi mengganggu dan mengejek dia lagi. "Kehidupan Sekolah Dasar dimulai," pikirnya......
Feb 16, 2005
Finally!! Avril come to Jakarta
Finally!! Avril Lavigne dateng juga ke Jakarta.
Dari pertama kali gw denger nih cewek nyanyi, i thought "man, if she come to Jakarta for a concert, i will be there, no argue". She's got the talent to be an artist, and she surely have the looks as well (damn those eyes of hers, i just can't find a match to those beautiful eyes).
And now, She will be coming to Jakarta. Pleased? of course i am. Tapi ada masalah juga, lately keadaan keuangan gue ga begitu bagus, and the last time i checked the tickets will be sold quite expensive (at least to me). But for her, i don't mind not spending my extra allowance on thigs i used to purchase or do (like internet for one).
so Avril, hope nothing goes wrong and you'd be here to give me one moment of a lifetime. to all Avril fans, see you at the concert!! ROCK ON!!
Dari pertama kali gw denger nih cewek nyanyi, i thought "man, if she come to Jakarta for a concert, i will be there, no argue". She's got the talent to be an artist, and she surely have the looks as well (damn those eyes of hers, i just can't find a match to those beautiful eyes).
And now, She will be coming to Jakarta. Pleased? of course i am. Tapi ada masalah juga, lately keadaan keuangan gue ga begitu bagus, and the last time i checked the tickets will be sold quite expensive (at least to me). But for her, i don't mind not spending my extra allowance on thigs i used to purchase or do (like internet for one).
so Avril, hope nothing goes wrong and you'd be here to give me one moment of a lifetime. to all Avril fans, see you at the concert!! ROCK ON!!

Feb 7, 2005
What's This??
What's This?? i asked myself seeing this thig for the first time. i still dunno quite much rite now, but i create my own account anyway, incase i need it in the future. please do, lemme know if ya know anything
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